Monday, December 1, 2008


These pictures were taken a while ago, and finally made it to the blog. My girls are so cute together. Their new thing is that they always have to hold each others hand. Even when we just get out of the car, Danica walks over and waits for Olivia to get out of the car to hold her hand. Danica is such a good little sister. It is like she already knows that her big sister needs her help and she is there for her. She is always looking out for Olivia. She brings Olivia her sippy when she cant get up to get it, she shares her food with her, and after we drop Olivia off at school, Danica runs around the house yelling sissy, sissy. I could not have been blessed with two cuter kids!

1 comment:

The Hunters! said...

That is the sweetest thing I've ever read! It brought a tear to my eye. That's how Whit and I were, so close and still are, you are very lucky! I wish that my boys were like that, Colton can't stand Chase and it breaks my heart! You have great girls!